
Antibiotic Consumer Education

Antibiotic resistance is a form of drug resistance whereby some sub-populations of a microorganism, usually a bacterial species, are able to survive after exposure to one or more antibiotics; pathogens resistant to multiple antibiotics are considered multidrug resistant (MDR) or, more colloquially, superbugs. (CDC, 2009).

1 comment:

  1. 1. Good source of information and discussion.. Sangat lebih baik jika ada referensi dari jurnal. Kebetulan referensi tentang kasus di Yogyakarta ada.

    Ini lihat:

    Widayati, A., Suryawati, S., de Crespigny, C., & Hiller, J. E. (2012). Knowledge and beliefs about antibiotics among people in Yogyakarta City Indonesia: a cross sectional population-based survey. Antimicrobial resistance and infection control, 1(1), 38.

    Widayati, A., Suryawati, S., de Crespigny, C., & Hiller, J. E. (2012). Beliefs about the use of nonprescribed antibiotics among people in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia: a qualitative study based on the theory of planned behavior. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 1010539512445052.

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